Adrienne L.
Specialist in Social
While most young
people have access to emotional and financial support systems throughout their
early adult years, older youth in foster care and those who are emancipated
from care often face obstacles to developing independent living skills and
building supports that ease the transition to adulthood. Older foster
youth who return to their parents or guardians may continue to experience
poor family dynamics or a lack of emotional and financial supports, and studies have
shown that recently emancipated foster youth fare poorly relative to their
counterparts in the general population on several outcome measures.
The federal government recognizes that older youth in foster care and those
aging out are vulnerable to negative outcomes and may ultimately return to
the care of the state as adults, either through the public welfare,
criminal justice, or other systems. Under the federal foster care programs,
states may seek reimbursement for youth to remain in care up to the age of 21.
In addition, the federal foster care program has certain protections for
older youth. For example, states must annually obtain the credit report of
each child in care who is age 16 or older. States must also assist youth
with developing what is known as a transition plan. The law requires that
a youth’s caseworker, and as appropriate, other representative(s) of the youth,
assist and support him or her in developing the plan. The plan is to be
directed by the youth, and is to include specific options on housing,
health insurance, education, local opportunities for mentors, workforce
supports, and employment services. The plan must address the importance of designating
another individual to make health care treatment decisions on behalf of the
Separately, the federal government provides funding for services to assist in
the transition to adulthood through the John H. Chafee Foster Care
Independence Program (CFCIP). The law enables states to provide these
services to youth who are likely to age out of foster care (with no lower
age limit), and youth age 16 or older who left foster care for kinship
guardianship or adoption. Independent living services may include
assistance in obtaining a high school diploma, career exploration,
training in daily living skills, training in budgeting and financial management skills,
and preventive health activities, among other services. The CFCIP requires that
states ensure youth in independent living programs participate directly in
designing their own program activities that prepare them for independent
living, and further that they “accept personal responsibility for living
up to their part of the program.” The Chafee Education and Training Voucher
(ETV) program separately authorizes discretionary funding for education and
training vouchers for eligible youth to cover their cost of postsecondary
education (until age 23). A recent evaluation of independent living
programs, such as those that provide mentoring and life skills, shows
mixed results. One promising independent living program has social workers who
oversee a small caseload (approximately 15 youth each) and have regular
(approximately once a week) interactions with the youth. The youth in this
program are more likely to attend college and stay enrolled than their
peers not in the program.
Along with the CFCIP, other federal programs are intended to help current and
former youth in foster care make the transition to adulthood. Federal law
authorizes funding for states and local jurisdictions to provide workforce
support and housing to older foster youth and youth emancipating from
care. Further, the law that established the CFCIP created an optional Medicaid eligibility
pathway for youth who age out of foster care; this pathway is often called the “Chafee option.”
Beginning in 2014, eligible young people who emancipate from foster care will
be covered under a mandatory Medicaid pathway until age 26. In addition,
youth in foster care or recently emancipated youth are specifically
eligible for certain education services.
Date of Report: May 16, 2012
Number of Pages: 41
Order Number: RL34499
Price: $29.95
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