Maggie McCarty
Specialist in Housing
The Section 8 Housing
Choice Voucher program provides monthly rental assistance to around 2 million
low-income households each year. It is administered at the local level by
nearly 2,500 quasi-governmental public housing agencies (PHAs). While some
form of Section 8 rental assistance has been in place since the mid-1970s,
the modern program was shaped largely by the 1998 public housing reform
act (P.L. 105-276). More than a decade later, the Section 8 voucher program
has come under new scrutiny, with PHA industry leaders, low-income housing advocates,
and some Members of Congress calling for reforms. This report introduces the primary
features of the Section 8 voucher program, issues that have arisen, and recent
reform proposals.
Many of the key features of the program have been considered for reform,
including its administration; eligible uses of program funds; the method
by which tenant income is determined and rents are calculated; who is
eligible and what conditions are placed on eligibility; and other features
of the program such as portability and quality inspections. Some reform
proposals have focused on changing aspects of the program seen as
administratively cumbersome and prone to errors. Other proposals have
focused on altering the incentives in the program in order to promote policy
goals such as homeownership and family self-sufficiency.
Issues have also arisen regarding how the Section 8 voucher program is funded
and how changes in formula allocations have affected PHAs. Partly in
response to funding issues, and partly in response to programmatic issues,
there have been calls for deregulation of PHAs through expansion of the
Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration.
Section 8 voucher reform legislation has been considered in every Congress
since at least the 108th Congress. One version of this reform legislation,
called the Section 8 Voucher Reform Act (SEVRA), was introduced and
considered in both the 110th and 111th Congresses (H.R. 1851 and S. 2684,
110th Congress; H.R. 3045, 111th Congress). These bills—which were largely
similar, but with some changes—would have made modifications to several
features of the Section 8 voucher program, including how income is
calculated, how inspections are conducted, and how portability is treated,
and they would have adopted a new funding formula. They also would have
renamed, expanded, and modified the MTW Demonstration and permitted PHAs
to implement alternate rent structures, within limits. A version of SEVRA
that is very similar to H.R. 3045 has been introduced in the 112th Congress
(H.R. 1209) by Representative Waters.
The fate of SEVRA in the 112th Congress is uncertain, as the House Financial
Services Committee has held hearings on new draft Section 8 voucher reform
legislation, initially called the Section 8 Savings Act (SESA) and most
recently titled the Affordable Housing and Self Sufficiency Improvement
Act (AHSSIA). This draft legislation contains many of the same provisions
that have been included in SEVRA. While earlier versions of the reform
legislation did not contain an expansion of the controversial Moving to
Work (MTW) Demonstration, the most recent version, AHSSIA, does contain an
expansion of MTW.